Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Final Press Release 3: Cause Promotion

Oct. 1, 2009

For: Cache Valley Area Investors Association
Date: September 23, 2009
Contact: Preston Parker, president
Phone: 661-772-7537
Address: 851 N. Main St., Logan UT 84321

Cache Valley Area Investors Association Promotes Achieving Financial Independence
Began in September 2007 and welcomes everyone

Logan, Utah-The Cache Valley Area Investors Association president, Preston Parker, strives to increase financial independence for members by increasing passive income. Financial independence is achieved when your passive income is more than your expenses. Parker said the best way to achieve financial independence is to know what it is and how to achieve it. That is one of the main goals of CVAIA.

If people learn the right mentality and approaches to investing, they can all be successful in what they desire. People should be able to spend their time doing something they love, not just a job that provides an income. Passive income largely makes this possible.

CVAIA meets every other Thursday in the Cache County Chamber of Commerce on 160 N. Main St. at 7:00p.m. Meetings usually have an expert on financial independence speak and a question and answer session follows. The next meeting will be October 1, 2009.

CVAIA teaches people how to increase passive income. CVAIA embraces the Law of Attraction, Law of Abundance, and Law of Exchange. They practice the methods found in the ideologies of books including Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Wealthy Barber, The Millionaire Next Door, Atlas Shrugged, The Automatic Millionaire and The Secret. CVIAIA began in August 2007 and now has members from many geographical locations and from all walks of life. The members come together with the same belief: that education mitigates the risks of investing.

For more information feel free to contact me,

Michon Winget
Public relations specialist
Phone: 801-809-5861
Address: 777 E. 1000 N. Apt. E4, Logan UT 84321


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Intro to Online Journalism

Readings Two
When Google is not your Friend, The Coming Tug of War Over the Internet, and Journalism Students Need to Develop Their Personal Brand

When Google is not your friend:
This article actually surprised me a bit. I cannot imagine how much information google must hold because I alone have searched google many times. Just for keeping the records of one city would be an overwhelming job. It makes me a bit nervous though to feel like privacy is unprotected. I know that our privacy really isn’t strong anyway even with the laws holding it in place but I feel like I could more easily be manipulated by a company just through the results google collects.
I think that by storing this information it can be a really good thing or a really bad thing. The man who was almost prosecuted after his wife’s death in November because he googled words like “neck”, “snap”, “hold” and “break”. If this man is guilty the information received from his googled words could be beneficial in coming to a conclusion with the case but if the man is not guilty simple searches such as those could be for millions of things and would unfairly prosecute him.

The Coming Tug of War Over the Internet:
Wow this article reminded me a lot about the power people have over manipulation through the internet. It basically was saying that the nations largest telephone companies can control which search engines are faster. Over time people will switch to the faster search engine and although they believe they are making these decisions for themselves it’s all a manipulative business tactic.
Many companies like Google and Yahoo are encouraging the government to make a law that ensures the telephone companies stay on neutral ground and that the best website will win. The companies do not want phone or cable companies to influence the content on our computer screen.
I would definitely have to agree with these companies. I don’t want to be manipulated like that because technically I do want to go to the fastest search engines or the better websites but I do not want that to be determined by phone or cable companies but by myself. This article got me thinking and it slightly disturbs me.

Journalism Students Need to Develop their Personal Brand:
This article I agree with but I don’t feel like it’s any new information. I think it’s vital to make sure your information is out there on the web because it can determine a lot about a person and often times will create a first impression. Luckily I have this blog which has my name in the domain and I actually purchased a domain name for my future business already. I believe I am holding up what is stressed in this article.
This article also says to make sure when your name is googled that you are one of the first ten links. Fortunately for me, I have a unique name so when I go through a search engine, links connecting to me come up. Unfortunately simple pointless things like facebook and friends on facebook come up as well so it may not appear as professional.
I am hoping to soon learn more about withholding and creating a better online reputation.

Intro to Online Journalism

Readings One
Email Etiquette and The Core Rules for Netequitte

These two internet sites have helped me learn more about what I’m doing right and what I am doing wrong when participating in this web of communication. Here’s a bit of what I have found interesting.

According to there are 32 rules of etiquette that one should follow when emailing.

32 most important email etiquette tips:
1. Be concise and to the point
2. Answer all questions, and pre-empt further questions
3. Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation
4. Make it personal
5. Use templates for frequently used responses
6. Answer swiftly
7. Do not attach unnecessary files
8. Use proper structure & layout
9. Do not overuse the high priority option
10. Do not write in CAPITALS
11. Don't leave out the message thread
12. Add disclaimers to your emails
13. Read the email before you send it
14. Do not overuse Reply to All
15. Mailings > use the bcc: field or do a mail merge
16. Take care with abbreviations and emoticons
17. Be careful with formatting
18. Take care with rich text and HTML messages
19. Do not forward chain letters
20. Do not request delivery and read receipts
21. Do not ask to recall a message.
22. Do not copy a message or attachment without permission
23. Do not use email to discuss confidential information
24. Use a meaningful subject
25. Use active instead of passive
26. Avoid using URGENT and IMPORTANT
27. Avoid long sentences
28. Don't send or forward emails containing libelous, defamatory, offensive, racist or obscene remarks
29. Don't forward virus hoaxes and chain letters
30. Keep your language gender neutral
31. Don't reply to spam
32. Use cc: field sparingly
While I thought these rules were needed there are some that stood out more than others to me. For instance I thought it was interesting that one of the rules was (23) Do not use email to discuss confidential information. I probably would have done this without realizing the problem with it but it’s not difficult for someone to hack into your email therefore all the confident information could be surrendered.
I also thought number 30 was interesting. Keep your language gender neutral. That is sometimes difficult for me and I’m sure for others because we have a very specific way we use our speech. If we don’t catch those we can create serious problems though. I think this is an important rule to keep in mind.

I picked up some rules on netequitte from,
Rule 1: Remember the Human
Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life
Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace
Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth
Rule 5: Make yourself look good online
Rule 6: Share expert knowledge
Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control
Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy
Rule 9: Don't abuse your power
Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes
Like the email etiquette site I found valuable information in these rules as well. I think what I have witnessed as most common rule to break is Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life. Since people do not have face to face interaction they feel they can get away with a lot more and generally kind people in person turn ruthless through the web because they forget that their correspondences are human and have feelings as well.
Another rule I thought was interesting though is Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control. I thought this was interesting because this rule actually encourages you to almost respectfully debate. It’s difficult to find and keep the balance of debating and being kind to other people who’s opinions you do not agree with.

Overall I think most of these rules are pretty basic and users keep them just from using common sense but there are a few rules that I had not considered before and will be sure to become more aware of.

Draft Press Release 3: Cause Promotion

Sept. 23, 2009

For: Cache Valley Area Investors Association
Date: September 23, 2009
Contact: Preston Parker, president
Phone: 661-772-7537
Address: 851 N. Main St., Logan UT 84321

Cache Valley Area Investors Association Promotes Achieving Financial Independence
Began in September 2007 and is welcome to anyone

Logan, Utah-The Cache Valley Area Investors Association president, Preston Parker, strives to increase financial independence for members by increasing passive income. Financial independence is achieved when your passive income is more than your expenses. CVAIA said the best way to achieve financial independence is to know what it is and how to achieve it. That is one of the main goals of CVAIA.

If people learn the right mentality and approaches to investing, they can all be successful in what they desire. People should be able to spend their time doing something they love, not just a job that provides an income. Passive income largely makes this possible.

CVAIA meets every other Thursday in the Cache County Chamber of Commerce on 160 N. Main St. at 7:00p.m. Meetings usually have a guest speaker who is an expert on financial independence and is followed by a question and answer session. The next meeting will be October 1, 2009.

CVAIA teaches people how to increase passive income. CVAIA embraces the Law of Attraction, Law of Abundance, and Law of Exchange. They practice the methods found in the ideologies of books including Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Wealthy Barber, The Millionaire Next Door, Atlas Shrugged, The Automatic Millionaire and The Secret. CVIAIA began in August 2007 and now has members from many geographical locations and from all walks of life. The members come together with the same belief: that education mitigates the risks of investing.

For more information feel free to contact me,

Michon Winget
Public relations specialist
Phone: 801-809-5861
Address: 777 E. 1000 N. Apt. E4, Logan UT 84321


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Final Press Release: Image Management

Sept. 22, 2009

For: Burger Planet
Date: September 22, 2009
Contact: Margaret Sharrom
Phone: 467-343-7862
Address: 315 E. Winchester Street, Gary, IN 46738

Burger Planet promotes healthy eating
New menu items and Jayne Peterson join Burger Planet

GARY, IN- Burger Planet endorses healthy eating by adding lower-carbohydrate choices to their menu. Jayne Peterson, Opal Whitcomb’s fitness instructor, joined the Burger Planet team helping with the campaign on moderation and health. The new menu options go from white meat chicken breasts wrapped in lettuce to fruit packages.

Burger Planet’s CEO James E Muellenbach III said, “Burger Planet is committed to offering healthy choices on its menu. The hiring of Jayne Petersen fits perfectly in the company's overall focus on healthy lifestyles." The company plans on teaming their mascot, Corny the Clown, with Jayne Peterson for promotional activities and advertisements to provide a good example to children. Peterson and Corny will first appear in a television commercial together on May 14th.

"Burger Planet has been a leader in the Quick Service Restaurant industry in offering healthy menu choices. The company believes in encouraging customers to live healthier, active lifestyles and I have spent my life trying to teach women that lesson,” said Peterson. Burger Planet’s chefs and Peterson will work together to ensure the new offerings are as healthy as possible. Peterson will also develop tray liners that offer nutritional advice.

For more information feel free to contact me,

Michon Winget
Public relations specialist
Phone: 801-809-5861
Address: 777 E. 1000 N. Apt. E4, Logan UT 84321

James E Mullenbach I founded the first Burger Planet in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1934. The company soon grew into the world’s largest Quick-service restaurant and now has over 8,900 franchises worldwide.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Draft Press Release 2

For immediate release
Sept. 22, 2009

For: Burger Planet
Date: September 22, 2009
Contact: Margaret Sharrom
Phone: 467-343-7862
Address: 315 E. Winchester Street, Gary, IN 46738

Burger Planet promotes healthy eating
New menu items and Jayne Peterson join Burger Planet

GARY, IN- Burger Planet endorses healthy eating by adding lower-carbohydrate choices to their menu. Jayne Peterson, Opal Whitcomb’s fitness instructor, joined the Burger Planet team helping with the campaign on moderation and health. The new menu options go from white meat chicken breasts wrapped in lettuce to fruit packages.

Burger Planet’s CEO James E Muellenbach III said, “Burger Planet is committed to offering healthy choices on its menu. The hiring of Jayne Petersen fits perfectly in the company's overall focus on healthy lifestyles." The company plans on teaming their mascot, Corny the Clown, with Jayne Peterson for promotional activities and advertisements to provide a good example to children. Peterson and Corny will first appear in a television commercial together on May 14th.

"Burger Planet has been a leader in the Quick Service Restaurant industry in offering healthy menu choices. The company believes in encouraging customers to live healthier, active lifestyles and I have spent my life trying to teach women that lesson,” said Peterson. Burger Planet’s chefs and Peterson will work together to ensure the new offerings are as healthy as possible. Peterson will also develop tray liners that offer nutritional advice.

For more information feel free to contact me,

Michon Winget
Public relations specialist
Phone: 801-809-5861
Address: 777 E. 1000 N. Apt. E4, Logan UT 84321

Monday, September 14, 2009

Revised Press Release 1: Announcement

Embargo: For immediate release
Date: September 15, 2009

For: Social Media Club of Cache Valley (SMCCV)
Date: September 8, 2009
Contact: Preston Parker, president
Phone: 661-772-7537
Address: 851 N. Main St., Logan UT 84321

New Chapter of Social Media Club Started in Cache Valley
July 2009 three people started SMCCV, and has grown to 26 members

LOGAN, UT- A global media club created for anyone who wants to learn more about social media, was created in Cache Valley and is continuously expanding. SMCCV president, Preston Parker said the first meeting in August had stations to learn about some social media such as facebook, twitter, linked in, and blogs. The goal of the SMCCV is to support others using social media globally.

The most recent meeting was held at Club New York in Logan on September 10th at 6:30 p.m. Laura Lee, a local blogger, came to speak about how her blog was picked up by the white house and the affects that have come through it. Meetings will be every second Thursday. Location changes depending on space and food.

SMCCV is considering inviting guest speakers, learning online reputation management and getting a panel of several social media experts for upcoming events. The club is member based so everyone has the opportunity to influence the activities that the club produces. Currently the club has 26 official members and many unofficial members. To register go to

For more information feel free to contact me,

Michon Winget
Public relations specialist
Phone: 801-809-5861
Address: 777 E. 1000 N. Apt. E4, Logan UT 84321

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Press Release Draft 1: Announcement

Embargo: For immediate release
Date: September 8, 2009

For: Social Media Club of Cache Valley (SMCCV)
Date: September 8, 2009
Contact: Preston Parker, president
Phone: 661-772-7537
Address: 851 N. Main St., Logan UT 84321

New Chapter of Social Media Club Started in Cache Valley
July 2009 three people started SMCCV, and has grown to 26 members

LOGAN, Utah- A global media club created for anyone who wants to learn more about social media, was created in Cache Valley and is continuously expanding. SMCCV president, Preston Parker said the first meeting in August had stations to learn about some social media such as facebook, twitter, linked in, and blogs. The goal of the SMCCV is to support others using social media globally. The club is member based so everyone has the opportunity to influence the activities that the club produces.

The next meeting will be held at Club New York in Logan on September 10th at 6:30 p.m. Laura Lee, a local blogger, will be coming to speak about how her blog was picked up by the white house and the affects that have come through it. Meetings will be every second Thursday.

For more information feel free to contact me or visit the website at

Michon Winget
Public relations specialist
Phone: 801-809-5861
Address: 777 E. 1000 N. Apt. E4, Logan UT 84321

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"United Breaks Guitars"

Dave Carroll is a musician whose guitar was broken by baggage handlers from United Airlines while he was traveling to Nebraska for a week tour. United Airlines didn’t deny it was their fault for the broken guitar and for months Carroll tried to get them to compensate for the damages. After being told no time and time again Carroll promised the last person he talked to that he would write and produce three songs about his experiences with United Airlines for anyone to see. Since nothing was done to correct the issue Carroll wrote a song and within days the video flew across the web. Millions of people have seen the first video and the second recently has been released. Carroll still has one song left to produce.
It appears that since Carroll’s song and music video have been brought to the attention of millions of people, United Airlines stock plummeted and they lost around $180 million. The “United Breaks Guitars” music video could have definitely had a tremendous impact on people’s reactions and responses to United Airlines but there are also other factors that could play into the loss of so much stock. United Airline’s stock had been in a downturn for a while now just like other airline stock regardless of what was happening with Carroll’s situation.
After Carroll’s first video received a lot of publicity and United Airlines received much criticism for the way they handled the situation, United Airlines decided they need to react in a more positive manner. They called Carroll and told him they would like to give him $3000 to compensate for the guitar. At this point Carroll wasn’t looking for compensation so he declined and asked that they give the money to charity and let everyone know where that money went.
I think one of the most amazing things about this situation is how something that seemed so small to an organization can explode into something they should be very concerned with because of social media. With the ability to communicate so efficiently across the globe, companies should be more concerned with customer service and making sure they present themselves in more of a positive manner. I don’t think Carroll will be the only person who is able to make a difference and have such an influence through social media.
I really respected the way Carroll told his story. It was very unique and I feel like he was sincere about the message he was trying to get across. Someone having gone through a nine month ordeal just trying to get justice could have exaggerated more on how bad the customer service was for United Airlines. For instance, he could have made the customer service representatives seem like they were more malicious or ditzy. He seemed to say what he wanted to without being a jerk.
When Carroll made the announcement that United Airlines has contacted him he also was sure to tell the fans to be nicer to Ms. Irlwig from the video. He wanted them to cut her some slack because she was just trying to do her job to the best of her ability. In the second video he also made it seem like there were no hard feelings and that hopefully eventually they would be able to share a laugh about the whole situation.
I’m curious to see after the next video what United Airline’s response will be. They could ignore it and hope that things will settle eventually, they could change some of their policies or they could make a public apology to Carroll for the entire situation. With the reactions that Carroll has received from his video I find it a bit strange that the only thing they have done is offer him the money for his guitar late. Something as large as this should not be settled on that small of a scale. Changes need to be made.
One more thing I found interesting about this ordeal is that Carroll and his group “Sons of Maxwell,” have received so much publicity that this will change their lives. It has boosted their careers worldwide. Using and singing about Taylor guitars has also provided a lot of advertising for Taylor guitars. This is a completely different way of advertising than I have thought about before. I wonder what influence it will have on marketing and if in the future social media will even more so be a large marketing tool .

Some sites that I looked on and found interesting were: