Friday, November 20, 2009

Oldham Blog 17

Portion of T.G.I. Friday’s Thanksgiving Sales in Texas are to be Donated to Assist Fort Hood Community

Five percent of net sales from Thanksgiving are to be donated from all 50 Texas restaurants to the United Service Organizations to assist the Fort Hood Community which lost 13 loved ones in the events of November 5. "Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with the families of the fallen, the dozens who were wounded and all of those who serve and live at Fort Hood not only on Thanksgiving, but every day." said President and Chief Operator John Neitzel.

I feel out of the loop. I had no idea what tragedy happened on November 5 so I looked it up. There was a shooting which killed over a dozen people and injured over thirty. The shooting was on a military base and is considered the deadliest rampage at a U.S. Military Base in history. I am getting really sick of people losing control and just shooting multiple people. Is it just me or does it seem to be happening more frequently than it did in other decades?

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